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25 Years Fairy tale offer!


you will get - 15% discount in the Hall + children's admission.
Theatrical cake cutting with crowning and dancing at the disco from €100 to €25
As long as you add an extra sight
and all shows with -25% discount (on 2+ shows -35% discount)
(Without additional show, the theatrical cut will be €75)

Note: In the 2.5 hour parties there are only 2 shows (theatrical cut and one more)

Pre book your party for 2024 - 2025 and get a lower price.!

I want an offer for my party


Fields with an asterisk are obligatory.
Parent full name*:

Kid's gender: *

Kid's name*:

Kid's birthdate: *
2nd Kid's name:

2nd Kid's birthdate: *


Postal Code*:


How did you find us? *

Best time to contact you *:
Party date *:

Number of kids *:

Number of adults*:

I agree to the storage of my personal data for the "exclusive and only" purpose of informing me, for an offer at parties or current events.
This update will be done by SmS or viber or e-mail strictly & only from the Fairytale - Playground and spectacle.

Leave this empty:

What people say about us?

Once again we thank you very much

For the seventh consecutive year, we came from Aulida to celebrate the birthday of our child. What you offer to our children is priceless !!! We had a wonderful time!! We will definitely be back! You are the best!!!

I threw myself into a sea of happiness through my daughter`s surprised eyes

I danced, I played, I sang, I saw happily smiling children`s faces. I came from Vari to make my daughter`s birthday as unique as possible and i succeeded in giving my daughter the sweetest experience of her life so far.

The parties at Paramythi playground are magical

There is no other place with such shows, service and quality. Children feel and are the protagonists!

Very interesting celebration with kind and willing staff

An imaginative celebration that will be printed in our memories for a long time.

That best we have seen at a kids` party

thanks for all

Thank you very much for your wonderful service and your courtesy !!!

We will definitely make our birthday here again. Keep up the team work to continue being effective.